Sculpting a Great Website

What makes for a great website?

There are many opinions out there, and most revolve around the visual appeal. But, there are many more aspects that make for a great website.

Here is my opinion on how to sculpt a great website.


Have you ever popped onto a website, excited to find out about their particular service or product and spent too many minutes moving from one page to another, completely lost?

For one thing, not being able to find out important details can be super frustrating. Like whether the item comes in blue or green, whether they deliver or not, what their exact costs are for each service, and just those finer details, which would normally spur you on to purchase.

Being able to navigate easily through the pages is essential when building a website. Too much information is not good, as is too little.


Generally, we all look at the visual appeal of a website first. Do the colours work well together? Is the font readable? Is the content cluttered and are the words hard to read?

You can tell, if you have a notification installed, when folk hop on and hop off your website within seconds. Ensure your website is easy on the eyes.


Your initial content is key to the basics of your website. Your About Us page, your Services page, your Contact Us page, and details on your team and perhaps a Blog page.

However, it is just as important to keep all that content fresh and new. A good idea would be to revamp the content every year at least.

In addition, as important as it is that the look and feel of your website be easy on the eyes, the way your words are structured is as important.


Why do you have a website?

So that people can read about what you offer and so that they can buy from you. Simple.

So, how can people get to your website? How will they find you?

SEO – that’s how.

What is SEO, without getting into a lengthy essay? Search Engine Optimisation. The art of improving a website’s ranking through the various search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and a few waning others.


Not everyone surfs through the internet on their desktops only. Many are using their mobile devices today. So, make sure your website is perfect on desktop and mobile.  There is nothing worse than trying to view website pages on your phone when the font is teeny-tiny and the images float off the edges.

Ask your website designers to optimise for mobile as well.